personal, school, Uncategorized

AP Crunch Time Is Going To Kill Me

I have 54 blog posts in my drafts. Let that sink in, 54. That is nearly the same amount of my published posts (60-something in the year and a half or so since I’ve made this blog, even if I only started using it actively a few months ago).

This is a problem, not a problem of “I’m out of ideas”, a problem of “I have no time”.

This post is basically an apology for never posting the last few months and an assurance that I will attempt to find some time management skills after my AP classes stop trying to drown me. My last AP test is May 9th, after that, I’m all yours. Until then… I may go AWOL again despite my best efforts.

So, I’m sorry I haven’t been posting or commenting or otherwise been on WordPress. I’ll be better once the nous of testing has loosened and next year, I won’t be such a mess because I’ll have a laptop (currently I have a 9 year old Apple-Mini desktop that likes to crash when I demand to have more than two safari and a word tab open).

In the hell that is 54 drafts, I have a mix of tags (both original and a lot that I was tagged for and haven’t gotten around to), some reviews I haven’t finished, some rants about homework/life/school/required reading, some personal posts, and some discussion posts. Let me know down in the comments what you’d rather see first, so when I DO finished testing and get around to scheduling post after post, I have a plan of attack for hashing out what people want to see first, well, first.

Sorry if this made no coherent sense, I have a pile of homework waiting for me and am running on three hours of sleep.

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