books, personal, school


After three months of not finishing a book, (*grasp* the horror, I know, I’ve been in a reading slump), I have finally started reading again.

And I don’t mean I started reading a book. No I mean reading. 

Now I read quite quickly when I want to/ have the energy to do so (roughly 100 pages per hour if the book is normal sized). And this week, when I had oh so very little to do in school except read…well…

I read 11 books.

Okay, scratch that. I read: 1 short story, 1 novella, finished 3 that I had already been halfway done with, and read 6 books in their entirety.

The books I read are:

  • The Princess Bride by William Goldman (72% through before this week)
  • Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke
  • The Love That Split The World by Emily Henry
  • When We Collided by Emery Lord
  • Made You Up by Francesca Zappia (was about halfway through before this week)
  • Firth & Then by Emma Mills
  • The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulburg (was a 60% before this week)
  • Famous Last Words by Katie Alender
  • There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury (short Story)
  • Zombicorns by John Green (novella)
  • A Study In Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro

And I’ve started reading Soundless by Richelle Mead and should be finished by tonight.


It’s been a crazy reading week, solely because my school’s wifi sucks and they have data blockers so I have legitimately not been able to do anything but read this week in school because my only classes were we aren’t essentially being babysat are math and spanish, both of which I finish my work so quickly in I spend the rest of class reading since I’m not allowed to talk. This is good, because even after all this, I am still 16 books behind on my goodreads challenge.


So what do you think of my reading choices this week? Should I binge read the Lunar Chronicles or Throne of Glass Series next week?

Any reviews you want to see from these books?

8 thoughts on “I’VE READ SO MUCH THIS WEEK!!!”

      1. I read Their Fractured Light and The Raven Boys this week. Not a lot but two books in one week had been hard recently.
        My favorite book in TOG is Heir of Fire 🙂 (book 3) I hope you enjoy the rest of the series!


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