books, marvel, tag

The Marvel’s Avengers Book Tag

The Grisha Lieutenant tagged me in this AGES ago. Sorry this took me forever to get to…..

Captain America: Civil War Book Tag


Iron Man – a book that made you laugh out loud: 

Captain America – a book that sends a positive message:

Thor – a book with a characters strength you admire:  

Black Widow – a book with a kick-ass female protagonist: 

Hulk-  a book that made you incredibly angry:

Hawkeye – an underrated book you think more people should pay attention to

{BONUS} Loki – a book with a twist or surprise that tricked you: 

I Tag:

B @ Icebreaker694

Calliope The Book Goddess

Shealea @ That Bookshelf Bitch

Raquel @ Rakiodd Books

The Orangutan Librarian


Kayla @ KDrew The Bookworm


Sophie @ Blame it on Chocolate

Alex @ Lord of the Trekkies


Melting Pots and Other Calamities


18 thoughts on “The Marvel’s Avengers Book Tag”

  1. oh gosh I keep seeing because you’ll never meet me in the library and have been overlooking it cos, even though it looks and sounds good, I haven’t heard anyone talk about it yet- now I think I’ll have to stop overlooking it! Great post! Thanks for the tag!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This looks like a ton of fun, thanks for tagging me! I may not have read most of the books here (my TBR is huge…) but I agree with The Selection; I enjoyed it my first round, though I would never say it was a favorite…but on rethinking, I realized I didn’t like them as much as I thought I did, and they ended up irritating me.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great tag and I loved your answers 🌸
    I only recently read To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before and I loved it so much; I can’t wait for the movie to be released! Also everyone seems to love It’s Kind Of A Funny Story, so I’m definitely looking forward to reading it soon!

    Liked by 1 person

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