
img_2740-2-2*The above picture is from high school, and was taken before JK Rowling began her hateful, transphobic speech. I no longer purchase Harry Potter products nor support Rowling. 

About this Blog:

So, here on this blog, I will be posting everything from excerpts of my writing to reviews of comics and movies. I post nerdy, pop culture guides and study guides as well.  More than anything though, this blog will be about books, and my love of them.

On this blog, you can expect book reviews, bookish discussions, speculations about TV shows and movies, comic book talk, writing tags, recommendations, and commiseration about writing.

Feel free to send me any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions!

About the Blogger:

My name is Sam. I graduated in May 2022 with a bachelor’s in Neuroscience and a minor in English. My goal is to become a pediatric neurologist, as well as a published author.

I’ve run this blog since 2015, when I was a sophomore in high school. I chose to start a book blog because I love reading, but not many of my friends read the same books, or at the same speed, that I did, so I couldn’t really talk to anyone but my best friend about books.

I’ve loved reading since the second grade, when I first read the Harry Potter books, primarily because the librarian insisted they would be too difficult for me, and I very stubbornly wanted to prove that I could, even though I was at a first grade reading level at best back then.

Some of my favorite books are: Crush by Richard Siken, Redshirts by John Scalzi, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Prachett, The Martian by Andy Weir, Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks.

My other hobbies include watching Netflix, reading, playing video games, sketching, and I am trying to pick up knitting, crochet and bookbinding.

Behind the Name:

The name RiverMoose is a nickname given to me by one of my best friends in middle school and high school, Ana.

The “River” part stems from the fact that not only did I reply nothing but the word “Spoilers” when she asked me anything about Doctor Who when I first made her watch it, and the fact that I have massively curly hair. River, if you don’t know, is a character in Doctor Who famous for responding to the doctor’s questions with “spoilers sweetie” and her blonde curls.

The “Moose” part comes from the fact that on Supernatural, Crowley calls Sam Winchester “Moose” and since my name is also Sam, my name is also, by extension  Moose.

And thus, I am RiverMoose.

If you need more context, one of the most popular book vloggers when I was starting this blog was PolandBannanasBooks, so you can see where the naming convention comes from.

If you want to follow me anywhere else, here are the links:





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