books, Themed Book Recommendations

Pride Month: Books With Asexual Representation

If you’ve been around my blog for a while, you’ll know I identify as asexual. So, since June is pride month, I thought I’d share some interesting books featuring asexual characters.

Let me know if you know any others worth being included!

Image result for pride gif

Books with Asexual characters


<- Victor Vale (the main character) is depicted as asexual.


Alys, a plus sized girl who has the ability to read runes, is asexual. ->





<- Not only is Felicity asexual, but she’s also aromantic. Not all asexuals are also aromantic, which simply means the lack of romantic attraction.



Zoey, a POC social pariah in a small town full of rich white people where girls keep going missing, is asexual. ->

A dark skinned black girl with a large fro dances in a white dress


<- Let’s Talk About Love is a contemporary YA novel featuring a Black, biromantic asexual protagonist.

A picture of Leo Tolstoy with neon pink hearts around it

Tash Hearts Tolstoy can be a bit messy about its depiction of asexuality, I admit, but it’s messy in a way that will be very recognizable to asexual readers because it deals with the effects of internalized amisia. ->



10 thoughts on “Pride Month: Books With Asexual Representation”

  1. Out of these, I’ve only read Let’s Talk About Love and I really liked it! Two other books from this list are on my TBR and I really should get to them soon haha.

    Liked by 1 person

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