Awards, books, tag

Blogger Recognition Award #4

I was tagged by Andrea’s Nirvana. Thank you so much!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them & provide the link to the post you created.

Blogger Recognition Award

The Blogger Recognition Award #2

The Blogger Recognition Award #3

I’ve done this three times already, so in the interest of your time and mine, I am condensing all my previous iterations here.

How my blog (originally) started:

V 1 –

Its really not that exciting of a story.  Last year over christmas break I was bored, and my cousin had a blog that she never used and I guessed I wanted to prove I could be better at it then she was or something like that, I don’t really remember. So, I started a book blog. I also started a youtube channel but my computer is so old that Imovie doesn’t work so that was put on hold. I’m getting a new computer this summer so, maybe I’ll start that up again.

 V 2 –

My blog started because I wanted to one up my cousin.

You see, my aunt does PR and encouraged my cousin to start a blog since she gets dragged to a lot of events my aunt organizes/attends.

So, I had to start a blog too.

I choose to start a book blog because I love reading, but not many of my friends read the same books, at the same speed, that I did, so I couldn’t really talk to anyone but my best friend (who reads SO SLOWLY…Sorry LOVE YOU ANA BUT ITS TRUE). So, book blog it was.

And since I liked it, I just kept doing it. Even when my cousin lost interest. I enjoyed it, and I continued, even if it took a couple mo the for me to get in the swing of things (re: a year) and I still fall off the face of the Earth every once in a while.

 V 3 –

Back in 2015, my younger cousin started a blog, at her mom’s insistence (my aunt does PR). Being two years apart, me and my cousin are competitive like sisters – so of course, I started one.

I blogged for maybe a month, before she got bored of it, as did I.

Flash foreword to the end of 2016, I decide I want to blog again. So I did. And i’ve been going strong(-ish) ever since!


  1. Have fun. Do this for yourself not anyone else. Write what you want not what you think others want. If it isn’t fun, there is no point in doing it. And don’t stress if it isn’t perfect, this isn’t school.
  2. Make friends. Interact with people. Number one way to get followers and comment? Comment and follow other blogs. So what you like and dislike about other people’s blogs, and work to make yours better. You can’t have a good blog without reading good blogs. Be part of the community don’t just shout into the void.
  3. Make friends. Make connections. Talk to people. Comment, respond, like. You can’t blog in a vacuum. And its more fun with friends. If your worried about bothering someone, or that someone has too many followers to talk to you, DON’T BE. We all blog to talk to people about books, so talk. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation.
  4. If you say you’re going to do something: Do it.

    Review the books you say you’ll review. Post what and when you say you will.

    It doesn’t matter if you out once a day or once a month, but stay true to your word.

    Readers don’t want to stick around for a liar or a flake.

    (This is something I need to follow as well, I’m terrible at consistency, but at least I own up to that.)

  5. Just do it. Waiting until “you’re good enough” or until everything is perfect just means you’re never going to start. Start your blog, learn as you go, talk to people. Eventually, you learn, you get better, your blog grows and changing with you, but that can’t happen if you never start.
  6. Talk to people. Comment on discussions. Tag people in tags and posts. Talk a conversation on twitter. I promise, 99.9% of the time, people are amazingly nice and will love to talk and make new friends. Ask for help. Request books. Nothing ever happens when your too scared to try. If you want to be a part of the community, be a part. Simple as that.

I’m not going to nominate people because this is my fourth time doing this.

2 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award #4”

  1. Great advice! On the topic of tip #4 I’d also add to play it safe and just don’t announce the posts you plan to publish in advance if you haven’t written them yet. Sometimes life will get in the way or you’ll find a post idea you thought would be cool is becoming torture to write. I’ve had this problem a lot in the past. I don’t think anyone will think you’re a liar per se, but it sucks to get people expectations up and not follow through.

    Also, find a way to keep people updated on what’s going on. Maybe use Twitter for blog updates. Maybe establish a weekly post. I follow so many blogs where the bloggers seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. :/

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